Sunday, August 14, 2011

Update: EDU-651 -- Week 4, August 14, 2011

This week has been an interesting and problematic week for me.  I have found that much to my chagrin that I still suffer from that "age old" problem of lack of concentration when it comes to things that do not grab my interest immediately.  I have had to sit down and make myself read the required material this week, "Minds on Fire".  It is an interesting article, but a long one.  Also on the assignment list this week was reflecting on the pros and cons of Facebook and PBworks.  To make a long story short, Facebook I get, PBWorks not at all.  Why does this confuse me?  One of these days, I shall get out of my own way and figure it out. 

I am also in the mist of writing a 5-page paper on the "Minds of Fire" article.  I am out of practice writing papers since being off on sick leave, but I am slowly getting back into the swing of things.  I love to write, so that is a huge help and benefit. 

Write on... CONNIE*  :+_)

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