Saturday, October 29, 2016

The Customer isn't Always Right by Connie, Chapter 2

Chapter 2: When does Customer Service begin and end?
The important question is “When does customer service start and end?” According to an article, I read called, “WHEN DOES CUSTOMER SERVICE START AND STOP” by Shep Hyken on his customer service blog, customer service starts long before the customer ever walks through your door, calls your business, finds your website, etc. It starts with your vision and mission. It starts with the first person you hire or collaborate with in any situation. It starts as you create the culture of your organization. It starts as you begin to plan what the customer experience should be. In other words, it starts long before the customer ever starts actually doing business with you.
It ends when the company ends. In between the start of a business and the close of a business there are interactions (with customers and employees), technology opportunities (social media), product/service developments – everything and anything that will affect the customer experience.
Even as your customer is walking away after you have serviced him, that customer may turn around and smile or ask you a question. At that point, you are still ‘looking’ to please that customer and do your job. You may, reply, “Goodbye, have a great day. Thanks for shopping with us!” On the other hand, if it is an inquiry regarding certain items or store hours, you must give them the appropriate reply before sending them ‘smiling’ on their way.

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