Saturday, August 20, 2011

EDU-651 Week 5 - August 20, 2011

Week 5 in class this week has been very interesting as well as frustrating on some levels.  I have enjoyed blogging and tweeting this week.  I am also -- slowly  -- VERY slowly catching on to PBWorks.  Are you shocked?  I am!  Anyway, we also have some written assignments this week, which I usually look forward to when I know what I am doing and can figure out the hows and whys of the assignment.  So far, that is up in the air, but I am getting there...slowly!

I wanted to share a website with anyone who needs to review their work with spell/grammar check.  I used the one on my word program and it SOMETIMES misses things, so I am reminded my my recent grade on an assignment last week, that I need to go to this one again before submitting my assignment ... it is free... 

Write on... CONNIE V.

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