Monday, August 29, 2011

EDU-651 Week 6 - August 29, 2011.. final week!

Well, this past week has been a busy one for me with hospital appointments and the final week of class.  I noticed while reviewing the previous week's assignments -- in order to write my final paper -- that there is so much new technology to learn yet.  I may never catch up!  Technical things and I do not get along, for the most part!  However, I sooner or later get it, usually accidentally!  I have found this past six weeks very interesting and full of information needed to teach online courses.  I still find that my talent or interest lies in reading and writing, so that may be where I end up when I finally have my Master's Degree.

Piaget was a very interesting man, and had some great ideas in which to teach children.  I found his stages to be most fascinating and understand that he was very close to what actually happens with most children.  As we all know, children learn differently and do not follow an exact pattern of learning and growing.  But, having a template, so to speak is a great way to begin. 

I wish everyone luck with their final week and the future endeavors!  Write on! 


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