Monday, August 29, 2011

EDU-651 Week 6 - August 29, 2011.. final week!

Well, this past week has been a busy one for me with hospital appointments and the final week of class.  I noticed while reviewing the previous week's assignments -- in order to write my final paper -- that there is so much new technology to learn yet.  I may never catch up!  Technical things and I do not get along, for the most part!  However, I sooner or later get it, usually accidentally!  I have found this past six weeks very interesting and full of information needed to teach online courses.  I still find that my talent or interest lies in reading and writing, so that may be where I end up when I finally have my Master's Degree.

Piaget was a very interesting man, and had some great ideas in which to teach children.  I found his stages to be most fascinating and understand that he was very close to what actually happens with most children.  As we all know, children learn differently and do not follow an exact pattern of learning and growing.  But, having a template, so to speak is a great way to begin. 

I wish everyone luck with their final week and the future endeavors!  Write on! 

Friday, August 26, 2011

Health Update: Friday, August 26, 2011

(1) My head is whiter than my butt is – I know that may be TMI, 
(2) I never realized that my head would get so cold without hair,
(3) Now, I must worry about sun burning my bare head along with the rest of my body, and
(4) Think of all the shampoos and conditioners that I won't need for a while, and no down time to do my hair when I leave to go somewhere -- I have hats and a wig now!
(5) I do not see the baldness, unless I look in the mirror, so the cute hats, etc. will help a great deal in seeing me as others do (so they have been telling me), beautiful, sexy and strong. 
Academically speaking, I am taking some time off school, just to see how the next few weeks will go and give myself time to recover and just be myself dealing with cancer and chemotherapy.  I love all the people who are on my side, sending me good thoughts along with their love; please -- do not stop!  It helps and I do need it, even though I am a confident bald woman now.  Think of me often and send me your prayers, best wishes and love!  

Remember to live, do not simply exist!
Learn something new each day!
Listen, especially to the silent things people do not or cannot say!
Laugh until you cry, and most of all,
Love for all it is worth!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

EDU-651 Week 5 - August 20, 2011

Week 5 in class this week has been very interesting as well as frustrating on some levels.  I have enjoyed blogging and tweeting this week.  I am also -- slowly  -- VERY slowly catching on to PBWorks.  Are you shocked?  I am!  Anyway, we also have some written assignments this week, which I usually look forward to when I know what I am doing and can figure out the hows and whys of the assignment.  So far, that is up in the air, but I am getting there...slowly!

I wanted to share a website with anyone who needs to review their work with spell/grammar check.  I used the one on my word program and it SOMETIMES misses things, so I am reminded my my recent grade on an assignment last week, that I need to go to this one again before submitting my assignment ... it is free... 

Write on... CONNIE V.

Friday, August 19, 2011

HEALTH UPDATE: Thursday, AUGUST 18, 2011

I have been sitting around since my first chemo treatment a few weeks ago waiting to get sick or lose my hair.  Granted, I will admit that I did have a few rough days at first but, other than that nothing much except a few aches and pains in places that I forgot that I had most days.  Those few days that I had that were rough; I call my "chemo reality check".  It finally sunk in that I am getting chemotherapy for cancer.   I can live with those little aches and pains on most days, and it would be stupid to think that there will be no more rough days for me before this is all over.  Yes, I was feeling sorry for myself... am I allowed?  Yes, I am. 
Then, I realized that sitting around and waiting for something that may not happen is the worst thing that I could possibly do Realistically, I realize that it probably will happen sooner if not later, but I have always been an optimistic pessimist (or a pessimistic optimist) and that will not change any time soon.  So, after I mentally kicked myself hard in the behind, I decided until that happens, I am going to do whatever I can and wherever I want to do it. Therefore, I have been keeping busy, going shopping, working on computer, doing homework, visiting friends and family and even doing some changing around of things in my apartment. 
I do more reading than I did before and I sit on the front porch a great deal these days, which both my two cats and I enjoy immensely.  Therefore, I am enjoying the time off!  Those chemo soldiers will not get me down, well not for good anyway, maybe a day or two but that is it.  I am strong willed and minded (I do not have this red hair for nothing), and if I need reminding of any this, my family and friends are there to do it for me.  Hey, thanks for that part, I love and appreciate you all.
Remember to live, do not simply exist!
Learn something new each day!
Listen, especially to the silent things people do not or cannot say!
Love for all it is worth!
Moreover, laugh until you cry!

Always, Connie

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Update: EDU-651 -- Week 4, August 14, 2011

This week has been an interesting and problematic week for me.  I have found that much to my chagrin that I still suffer from that "age old" problem of lack of concentration when it comes to things that do not grab my interest immediately.  I have had to sit down and make myself read the required material this week, "Minds on Fire".  It is an interesting article, but a long one.  Also on the assignment list this week was reflecting on the pros and cons of Facebook and PBworks.  To make a long story short, Facebook I get, PBWorks not at all.  Why does this confuse me?  One of these days, I shall get out of my own way and figure it out. 

I am also in the mist of writing a 5-page paper on the "Minds of Fire" article.  I am out of practice writing papers since being off on sick leave, but I am slowly getting back into the swing of things.  I love to write, so that is a huge help and benefit. 

Write on... CONNIE*  :+_)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

EDU-651 and Facebook

What I learned this week in class is that like everything else, Facebook has its good and bad points (possibilities) so to speak.  Facebook also includes many educational tools, such as, Zoho Office, ISTOR, Courses 2.0, Slideshare and so on.  Most of these (as a newbie more or less to this type of educational tool), I have never heard of or used at this point in my training to become an online instructor.  I know that it will take some time and effort (not to mention energy and concentration) to learn about all the possibilities that Facebook and so many other applications have in the way of educational tools.

As an educational tool, Facebook (like so many other applications) can be used for language development, personal development and group collaboration especially in being used as an English and writing tool for new writers and others who live to write about anything and everything. 

Write on!   Connie