Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Surgery date, good thoughts etc.

Well, I had my hospital appointments yesterday. The good news is that my heart, lungs, blood pressure are all great, so that will be a huge help during surgery and my recovery. I met the doctor, she is very nice and I am glad to have a woman taking care of my "lady" parts. :+_) -- That is not to say that it is any less scary, but a little load off my mind. I need to have a test done prior to my surgery, which is on June 21st – not sure of time yet though. This test is a colonoscopy ($8000 test, I am told that insurance does not cover), which I am told is no big deal to have especially since I will be asleep the whole time. Great, another nap! Anyway, this surgery is a serious one and I do need all the good thoughts possible out there from you and from above too. Send me messages, keep my spirits soaring, I need all the strength that I can get at this point.

The bad part of this whole deal is that my insurance (Such as it is!) covers very little of the cost of any of this…and NONE of the hospital stay, so further in debt I go. However, since this is serious business I cannot put it off and will do what I must to recover, remain strong, keep my sense of humor and get on with a life that I want…which includes being around for a very long time, so wish me luck!


Thanks, Connie

Live, love, laugh, learn and fight like hell to go on!

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