Wednesday, June 29, 2011

One week & one day after surgery -- :+_)

Let me just say that I am glad that it is this week and not last week.  It was a rough one!  The first few days of my hospital stay were mostly filled with sleep and pain meds.  I am told that I can quite funny under certain drugs – if you get my drift!  I can be funny without them, so you can imagine how I was under them!
Anyway, I am feeling better, not quite as sore or as touchy as I was at first.  I still get very tired TOO easily!  I am told this will get better each day—but will take quite some time to recover from this type of extensive stomach surgery.  I am hoping to find some energy and feel painless very soon because I am starting to get bored, impatient and a bit cantankerous at not being able to get things done.  I am told that is also normal!  Ha! Ha!  I am normal again!

The good news is that even though the ovary was ‘cancerous’, that it did not spread to any other part of my internal organs.  My doctor recommends chemotherapy to be on the safe side, which I will have to deal with because the results could have been much worse!  She said that I will lose my hair with this type of chemo, so, does anyone know a good wig maker for redheads!

Remember to live, do not simply exist!
Learn something new each day!
Love for all it is worth!
Moreover, laugh until you cry!

Always, Connie

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