Friday, June 17, 2011

Surgery just around the corner...

Well, my surgery date is only a few days away now.  Am I nervous? Scared?   Worried? Terrified?  HELL -- YES, I am!  I keep reminding myself that I am a strong, resourceful, brave, real redhead, but now and then, I forget and need to be reminded.  So, remind me if I need it!  Give me that kick in the butt that I may need to get through all this stuff.   Thanks!
As long as I stay busy, I am fine, but when my body slows down, my mind works in overdrive!  I am trying to remain calm and positive—and during most days -- I do fine at keeping up with that mantra – but at night, when all is quiet, it is very hard to remain brave and upbeat. Anyway, the closer I get though, the more I fear I will worry and fret, but with family and friends on my side, I am sure I will do fine.  Thanks everyone!
I have a pre-surgery test (colonoscopy) on Monday and then surgery on Tuesday, June 21st.  I am not sure what time as of yet, but I will find out within the next day or so.  It is has been a busy week, as my Dad was in the hospital from last Saturday until yesterday afternoon for some various problems.  Thankfully (oh, I am SO-SO- SO thankful), he is doing better and at home now.

Other than that, life is going slowly… one day at a time… as the saying goes!  Wish me well, keep good thoughts for me and help us all to stay strong and hang in there!
Live, love, laugh, learn and fight like hell to go on -- one day at a time!


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