Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Two weeks after surgery – my check-up is today!

It is time for my two-week check-up today. It is hard to believe how time flies, even when you are recovering from something as serious as stomach surgery.  I get my staples out today, believe me, I am more than ready for that to happen—I think.  I wonder if it will hurt, pain is not my friend.  Have you ever heard that redheads (real, of course) suffer pain more so than blonde-haired people, etc.?  It is in a book called, “The Roots of Desire” – the myth, meaning, and sexual power of red hair by Marion Roach.  It is an interesting book.  I digress, my appointment is soon, so I must get things in gear, so I shall return and tell you how it all went for me.
Later in the evening—8 o’clock  Well, my checkup went well, I traded in my hardware for sani-strips/tape.  So far, things are going well, with me still having to take it easy, no lifting, no major housework (yeah me!), and me behaving myself and doing mostly resting and recuperating.  How does that sound? My chemotherapy will begin after another two weeks when I go back to my doctor for my next check-up.  Then, the fun begins!  For the next 20 weeks or so, I am the prisoner of the chemo-monster.  Anyway, I know that being funny may not work for some people in regards to the big “C”, but for me—it is a necessity for me to survive and learn to live with what is happening to my mind, body and soul.  So, wish me luck!  Until next time, enjoy your summer, stay cool and stay in touch with me by becoming my FOLLOWER on this blog.  The directions on how to do this are as follows:
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Remember to live, do not simply exist!
Learn something new each day!
Love for all it is worth!
Moreover, laugh until you cry!   Always, Connie

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