Saturday, July 30, 2011

Update: EDU-651 -- July 30, 2011

Since I began this blog in May of this year, so many things have happened to me.  If any of you have read my previous blog entries, then you know about my health situation and all that it entails.  I am also on medical leave from my job as a cashier, so I have plenty of time to play with the computer and get my strength back as well as take care of my self in ways that I never thought I would have to do again.  This is my second-go-around with cancer/chemotherapy, so do wish me well!  I recently went back to my classes at AU, and this blog is for that class as part of an assignment.  I must admit that I do enjoy blogging, however, I have very few followers.  I guess I shall have to work on that one! 

As for my health issues, I had my Mediport inserted this past Tuesday, which is healing nicely.  I begin my first chemotherapy session this coming Wednesday.  So, anyone who reads this, please do keep me in your thoughts... good ones, that I shall not get sick nor lose my hair!  Oh well, on that LAST part I am prepared, I did order a few CUTE hats and a very nice short, redheaded wig!  Until next time, take care.  

Remember to live, do not simply exist!
Learn something new each day!
Listen, especially to the silent things people do not or cannot say!
Love for all it is worth!
Moreover, laugh until you cry!

Always, Connie

1 comment:

  1. I was "RAISED" A PENNSYLVANIA Girl....Tough girls come from New York, Sweet girls come from Texas, and Barbie girls come from California, but we PENNSYLVANIA GIRLS have fire & ice in our blood! We can be a princess, throw a left hook, PACK HEAT, hang with the boys, bake a cake, love with passion and if we have an opinion - you KNOW you're gonna hear it!! Re-Post... If you're a PENNSYLVANIA Girl
