Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Depression Strikes Again! :"_(

March 10, 2015 … Tuesday, 6:30 pm

Depression is a funny thing…. No, not funny… it is painful and callous and never a good friend to you or anyone. It strikes even when you are feeling good about life, things are going your way and you still even on the worst days love your job …. the family you love is close by and healthy, your grandchildren are growing and healthy --  
Depression can sneak up on you -- and beat you over the head … like a huge 2 x 4 -- making such a ‘silent’ attack on you that even though you have been down that road before… you are shocked when you realize that once again ‘depression’ has you in its clutches… making you sad, tired, upset, worried, sick at heart and mind… deepening down to your very soul.
Can you stop it? Can you reach inside and remind yourself that you are strong, strong enough to beat this thing AGAIN.  It might take some help, but you can do it…. You remind yourself over and over that you have beat it before and more than likely will again… you beat it and have gone on with the life you deserve.  And… you do deserve it girl, you fought for it, you beat it and you won the right to be happy… to be yourself and above all -- not to be depressed to your very soul by letting this mean, unlikable entity invade your life and heart.
Where is this strength you wonder… right now… is it hiding within you… while you search for it – is it keeping you from seeing the ‘strong’ woman that you are even now when you are feeling so lost and alone. While you sit hoping that soon you will find it… because this person who is writing these words is not the person you want to be… you want to be that strong, silly… loving redhead with the attitude and ‘dry’ sense of humor that makes you a people person with a kind, silly and wonderful heart.

You will find her… if not today, tonight… tomorrow… for sure! 

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