Sunday, September 25, 2011

Health Update: September 24, 2011-- Saturday

Well, this week I had my third chemo treatment.  I admit to feeling a bit more than a little “icky” and such yesterday and today.  It is usual though, along with the hot flashes from the steroids and the woman thing making me feel like the ‘wicked’ witch melted into a puddle at the end of the movie, “The Wizard of Oz." For the most part, I am doing fine.  I am hanging in there and keeping my sense of humor.  I am reminding myself that I am halfway there already, just three more treatments to go!
For instance, a few other things that I have realized about being bald with no hair due to chemo:    
(1) No hair anywhere, so NO need to shave, although the hair on my head is looking a bit like a porcupine now—guess, I do need a shave,  
(2) Smooth skin, again NO hair,
(3) Did I mention no need to shave anything, (Ah, I am beginning to see a pattern here, aren’t you?). 
(4) Then, there is the constant ringing in my ears, another effect of the chemo I am told.  Although, I have had that for quite some time, I wonder what that means! 
(5) I am cold; I am hot!  I am chilled; I am sweaty!  I am lightheaded; I am not! I am tired and exhausted; I am energized like the bunny!  Talk about not being able to make up my mind – and I say -- welcome to my world!
No, I am not complaining, just being truthful and I hope a bit funny too. I am also bordering on the TMI (too much information) area of my life, but that happens when you are alone a lot and dealing with certain things in life.   Furthermore, anyone who truly knows me already knows that I am the type of person that shares a great deal of her life with those around her, even the private things! 
Funny stuff aside, I am doing all right, and I am so very glad to say that I am half-way done with chemo.  I hope the last three treatments go as well as the first three have done so far!  In that case, I will have it made as they say.  I can then, start learning to live ‘after’ chemo, growing my hair back (maybe I will be a blonde-haired woman with straight hair this time or a curly-topped redhead again), and going back to work at the place everyone loves!  In addition, I will be getting on with life ONCE AGAIN as a cancer survivor. I will always be a survivor. I am just getting better at it each day!
Remember to live, do not simply exist!
Learn something new each day!
Listen, especially to the silent things people do not or cannot say!
Laugh until you cry, and most of all,
Love for all -- it is worth!


Friday, September 16, 2011


I am slowly getting used to having no hair.  Last week, I put all my shampoos, conditioners and hair contraptions (blow dryer, straightener, brushes, etc.) away until I need them again.  I also got a few more hats in different colors, which I will admit to wearing – not only -- because of having no hair, but also because I like the way that they look on me.  Oh well, that may be just in my mind, but it is my choice to wear them at this point.  When I am finished with the hats, etc., I may keep a few, but for the most part; I will have them properly cleaned and donate them to the cancer center near where I live. 

On another note, I took a few weeks off from class again, but will begin again next week with one called “Instructional Design and Delivery”.  I am not sure what it involves yet, but I will find out very shortly.  I know that it has something to do with a slide presentation for the first week, so that will be lots of fun.  I have done several of those productions before and I have enjoyed them immensely.  So, wish me luck! On that note, I shall close for this time by wishing you all well in all aspects of your life!

Remember to live, do not simply exist!
Learn something new each day!
Listen, especially to the silent things people do not or cannot say!
Laugh until you cry, and most of all,
Love for all it is worth!


Saturday, September 3, 2011

Health Update: September 3, 2011, Saturday

Health Update:   September 3, 2011

I am slowly getting used to the idea of having NO hair, but I am still rather shy about going outside without a hat or something on my head.  I am slowly figuring out a few more interesting things about having no hair.  It is interesting and quite funny at times -- some of the things a person thinks about -- when going through something like chemo and being bald for the first time in their life.  Some of those ideas, I will not share with you.  I will just let you think of them on your own since they can be a bit TMI for this type of blog. :+_)

Yesterday, I did a computer search for cancer chat rooms.  I am not sure where the idea came from, it just popped into my mind as so many other things do these days. I found several sites, joined one, and talked for a bit in one of them.  I found so many people going through much worse than I am and to be truthful, I got a bit depressed and very concerned in regards to their situations. Honestly speaking, I had to leave the room because I was getting too emotional about what I was hearing in the room.  It made me realize just how lucky I am and that what I am going through is a “precautionary” chemotherapy and many of theirs is for life- sustaining measures.  Everyone in there was so helpful and even upbeat with advice for others and even some joking involved.  I think that is what is most important in all this, being upbeat, positive and even joking and laughing as much as you can.  After all, isn’t laughter the best medicine?

Remember to live, do not simply exist!
Learn something new each day!
Listen, especially to the silent things people do not or cannot say!
Laugh until you cry, and most of all,
Love for all it is worth!