Saturday, October 29, 2016

The Customer isn't Always Right by Connie, Chapter 2

Chapter 2: When does Customer Service begin and end?
The important question is “When does customer service start and end?” According to an article, I read called, “WHEN DOES CUSTOMER SERVICE START AND STOP” by Shep Hyken on his customer service blog, customer service starts long before the customer ever walks through your door, calls your business, finds your website, etc. It starts with your vision and mission. It starts with the first person you hire or collaborate with in any situation. It starts as you create the culture of your organization. It starts as you begin to plan what the customer experience should be. In other words, it starts long before the customer ever starts actually doing business with you.
It ends when the company ends. In between the start of a business and the close of a business there are interactions (with customers and employees), technology opportunities (social media), product/service developments – everything and anything that will affect the customer experience.
Even as your customer is walking away after you have serviced him, that customer may turn around and smile or ask you a question. At that point, you are still ‘looking’ to please that customer and do your job. You may, reply, “Goodbye, have a great day. Thanks for shopping with us!” On the other hand, if it is an inquiry regarding certain items or store hours, you must give them the appropriate reply before sending them ‘smiling’ on their way.

The Customer isn't Always Right by Connie

Chapter 1: The History of “Customer Service”
What is customer service ? Technically, it is defined as “all interactions between a customer and a product provider at the time of sale, and thereafter. Customer service adds value to a product and builds an enduring relationship.”
From my point of view, as a customer-service representative for more years than I care to mention, it is going ‘beyond’’ the basics of keeping your customers happy. Now, this goes for a customer in a department store, a customer in a restaurant, a customer on the telephone, drive-in window and so on. No one is to be ignored in any way for any reason. Extreme politeness and manners are to be used at all times. For instance, don’t be afraid to say, “Just a moment and I’ll be with you!” On the other hand, “Can I get someone else to help you?”
Now, I come to the title of this book, “The Customer isn’t Always Right”. No matter what you are told when you are being trained in any type of customer service job, the customer is not always right. However, as a customer service representative, you must allow the customer to think that he or she is right. Even if you must bite your tongue off in anger, angst or a bout of laughter this must occur for the sake of your customer’s happiness and contentment.
Each customer comes into your place of employment for various reasons. They could be coming in to eat, simply relax or to meet clients, friends or family. In a department store, they are shopping for certain items or just browsing. Each person wants his or her visit to be a good one; they do not want to hear your life story, what you had for breakfast or hear all about your anger at your husband or family. Nor do they want to feel unimportant or hear your complaints, fears or woes regarding work, family, etc.
Of course, there are exceptions to this rule. If the customer brings a subject up and asks you how you are doing, etc. … you may give them a short, a much-edited version of your life. Now, if this person is a personal friend or regular customer, you do – over a period of time -- become closer to that person, sharing each other’s life in more than a ‘customer to employee’ relationship.
Keep in mind, that others in line behind this person or near your counter, cash register, etc. may hear your conversation and go from there as to how much you share with each other in this public arena. As we have all found out one way or another, people do eavesdrop and hear things they should not simply because they are listening or within ‘hearing’ range. Do be careful!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

As most of you know, I am a writer. I have several books published including a sci-fi series writing with a co-author. My other book is a personal blog of my cancer/dating journey. I am now working on another project based on my life as a 'customer service' worked for way too many years at times. I would love it if you would share your stories with me, whether they be funny, heart-breaking, aggravating etc. I promise no names will be mentioned but somehow I will give you credit for your help with this book... COME ON... bring on the stories!

Feel free to send any stories that you wish to share to my email address: 

Sunday, May 31, 2015

My move ... May/June 2015

Sleeping in my new apartment for the first time tonight. Thanks to Tim Wolfe, Danielle Bell, Ben, Danielle Mausteller and Nate Mausteller for moving the rest of my stuff today. I especially want to thank Tim for shouldering most of the work! I love you all thanks... SO SO SO much!
Connie Valentine's photo.

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Second night in new apartment... so far, so good. I got some curtains up along with some blinds so I don't feel like I am on display for the neighbors. Thanks to Jennifer Wolfe Persun for helping with that.... she welded the drill and so forth. For her trouble, I made my first meal here with a visitor... creamy potato soup with ham. It was yummy... then a trip to Wal-Mart and home for a bath and bed!
 — tired.
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You added 4 new photos.
The apartment is shaping up! More and more empty boxes... two more days and back to work!
Connie Valentine's photo.Connie Valentine's photo.Connie Valentine's photo.Connie Valentine's photo.

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My fourth day/night in my new apartment had some interesting challenges. My first was an 'in and out' surgery for a cyst that acted up from moving and lifting. I am now off work -- no lifting -- except minor stuff until at least Wednesday. So, my wound is packed and will be unpacked tomorrow at the doctor's office. That kind of packing I DID NOT expect. I expected to be off work for maybe a day, but not the entire surgery deal... not my plan for my week off from work. After that... and a nap... I had supper at the Fence in Lewisburg with my parents and daughter, Jennifer Wolfe Persun. Now, I am at home and relaxing... as ordered by the doctor and my Mom
 — sore.

Day/Night 5 in new place: My Drs. appt. went all right. I got unpacked and re-bandaged, sent home with a script for pain meds (wow... took one when I got home and it put me to sleep for about four hours), then I got up ... did a few minor chores (per Drs. orders), ate potato soup for supper, took shower (could use more water pressure), now I am sitting here writing this and drinking a cup of Passion Fruit tea.
A few good things about new apartment:
1. Things in freezer are frozen, things in refrigerator are NOT.
2. More room.
3. Nice view... so far, good neighbors (miss some that I left behind though).
4. Got more kitchen light than other place... MUCH more.
5. Stove works great by not burning or under cooking food... a huge plus!
So the moving/sorting and such of this move will be a slow chore with not being able to do much, but it will get done. I plan on finishing up at the other apartment this weekend, Monday at the latest. As long as I have some help, that won't be a problem... still no lifting. Then it is back to work on Wednesday...
Until then... good night everyone!
— tired.

Just now · 
WELL, it is Saturday... I have been here 7 days including today. Yesterday was a fairly quiet day/night. I did a few odds and ends around the apartment... drs. orders and my Mom's too... hung a clock in the kitchen... mostly tinkered around with small stuff... folded and put away laundry etc. I also had my first visitor. It was nice to see him, thanks Carl Jones for stoppin' in on your way home.
Today, with the help of my daughter/Jen and her husband/Alec I want to get things finished in Danville. I will wait to see if they can make it later, if not I might have to make the trip myself and do what I can until I can get some help lifting things down to car and into new apartment. So wish me luck....
 — for a partner in crime.

PS -- to see pics... click on picture square and follow the link!
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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Depression Strikes Again! :"_(

March 10, 2015 … Tuesday, 6:30 pm

Depression is a funny thing…. No, not funny… it is painful and callous and never a good friend to you or anyone. It strikes even when you are feeling good about life, things are going your way and you still even on the worst days love your job …. the family you love is close by and healthy, your grandchildren are growing and healthy --  
Depression can sneak up on you -- and beat you over the head … like a huge 2 x 4 -- making such a ‘silent’ attack on you that even though you have been down that road before… you are shocked when you realize that once again ‘depression’ has you in its clutches… making you sad, tired, upset, worried, sick at heart and mind… deepening down to your very soul.
Can you stop it? Can you reach inside and remind yourself that you are strong, strong enough to beat this thing AGAIN.  It might take some help, but you can do it…. You remind yourself over and over that you have beat it before and more than likely will again… you beat it and have gone on with the life you deserve.  And… you do deserve it girl, you fought for it, you beat it and you won the right to be happy… to be yourself and above all -- not to be depressed to your very soul by letting this mean, unlikable entity invade your life and heart.
Where is this strength you wonder… right now… is it hiding within you… while you search for it – is it keeping you from seeing the ‘strong’ woman that you are even now when you are feeling so lost and alone. While you sit hoping that soon you will find it… because this person who is writing these words is not the person you want to be… you want to be that strong, silly… loving redhead with the attitude and ‘dry’ sense of humor that makes you a people person with a kind, silly and wonderful heart.

You will find her… if not today, tonight… tomorrow… for sure! 

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Update: September 24, 2014 -- HAPPY FALL!

Hi! Everyone,

Well, it is one of my favorite times of year: Fall! I love the colors and the cooler weather. A bit of an update on my life:

  • Almost two years at my job! Still loving it... most times!
  • Grandson, Rickey doing well... a little over three months old and OMG.. what a cutie.
  • Granddaughter doing well in college, working hard and DAMN ... I never see her! Call me! Send me a IM.. e-mail or a carrier pigeon note! :+_)
  • Daughter and new hubby married almost a year... Congratulations you two... keep up the good work!
  • Son doing well... working hard, a wonderful dad and a loving man... so so so proud of him!
  • Giving an old love... a new try! Wish me/us luck!
  • Parents still doing well for their age... I worry about them a lot, but try to stay positive when it comes to them.. after all, they are 80+
  • Going on a cleaning and sorting vacation as I call it in October for a week of 16th - 23rd. Give me strength to clean out all the x-tra S*** that I have accumulated over the years. 
  • Health-wise doing well... far as I know I am having no problems, other than a few aches and pains here and there.
Sites to find me at: 

Well, that is my update for now... join any of my sites. I will reply! 


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Update: August 19, 2014

Update: August 19, 2014

Been quite a while since I updated my blog... sorry about that, but just been busy. News in my life is as follows:

  1. Cancer wise, all is well... last blood work was good. Still tire and confuse easily, but such is life. Remaining positive and fighting the good fight... 
  2. New son-in-law, Alec -- last October 5th.... great guy!
  3. New grandson, Rickey, June 11th of this year, a real cutie. My second grandchild, this one from my son, Tim and his girlfriend, Dani. Two wonderful step grand kids... love them too, real cuties. 
  4. Grand-daughter (from daughter, Jen)  in college, working and doing well... far as I know. 
  5. Job going well... still loving it! 
  6. Still writing, working on a Romance/Mystery sort of book by myself... loving the writing of it. It will more than likely be a sequel as it is too long for just one book. 
  7. Blogging book: 
  8. Blogging book available at:
  9. Still single... working on that.. but so far, slow process. I wander where all the good men are... they sure are not in my line of sight!
All for now... promise to try and keep a better goal of writing more often in this blog. 

Take care everyone... xoxoxo   Connie