Thursday, July 12, 2012

Tickled to death.... well, not that, but happy... got my GREEN CABRIO yesterday... Bye Bye Alero... you did me good! Or well... take your pick! —  

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Health Update: July 3, 2012

Health Update: July 3, 2012
The last few months have been rather tough for me, but at last, I am feeling more like myself than I was then. I do not feel the urge to cry every second of the day, nor hide out from life anymore. Oh, yeah, it still happens now and then, but now I am fighting it. I am alive and want to live that life that was saved this past year by surgeries and chemotherapy. Life is too short, as they say…. So let me live it the way I want to and let me be happy doing it!

I think I just needed some time to gather myself together and realize that I survived another bout with cancer and get on with my life. I needed to allow myself to be better, smile, laugh again, and go on with my life. It was not easy, but somehow, I worked it out by just letting myself be sad and down for a bit. I needed to see that it was all right for me to live again, to get back into doing what I love to do again.

I am not saying that it was not rough, yes… I definitely had some rough days when I let my depression, and sadness ruin my day. I hid out in my little world and ignored those around me. I did keep in touch, but not as I should… luckily, they gave me the space that I needed and allowed me to do it “my way." I thank them for that part!

I did a lot of reading and writing, carried on with my school assignments and just let myself feel sad if I needed to do so. I also took many naps, allowed myself to be tired if I felt like it, exercised when I could, and even went shopping. I did some catalog online shopping and got a few nice dresses, shirts and so forth. Now, I just need to find somewhere to wear them! Any ideas?

Over the past few weeks, I have even started wearing some (they used to call them knee knocker's eons ago) Capri pants. I had been wearing them inside the apartment, but when we took a bus trip to the Washington DC Zoo on Saturday, I wore a pair of them … OMG in public and survived. Crazy, huh!  We had a wonderful time…. Even though the weather was hotter than HELL, we enjoyed it. It was long, tiring and exhausting, but fun!
So, for now… Still hangin’ in there, fighting to enjoy life!

Live, love, laugh, and learn!
Hugs and kisses, Connie

Happy July 4th Everyone! 

Connie- Winner in First Place
Cancer – Last Place