Friday, October 14, 2011

Health Update: October 14, 2011

I had my 4th chemotherapy session yesterday.  It went well except for one little mix-up when the nurse forgot to turn the IV on for my last part of the treatment—one of the main parts, I might add.  I had to have the needle reinserted into my Mediport again.  Oh, what fun!  Overall, it went quickly.  I definitely like having my appointment early in the morning at 8 o’clock.  It seems to go faster and there is more of the day to do things like have lunch and relax.  I also try to catch up on things like homework, laundry and such when I get home, just in case; I do not feel that great in the days to come.  I seem to be wired for the next day or so with all the medications and chemo demons running around in my body, with lots of energy and a huge lack of the ability to sleep.  Then, a few days later, all I want to do is sleep! 

Everyone is so nice in the chemo unit, and they make you feel important and special.  Each patient has their own little area, which can be curtained off for privacy, but most of the patients do not close the curtains.  The patients have massage and heat in there reclining chairs, which feels great.  You also have a television, earphones, and access to the Internet and power sources if needed for recharging, etc.  You can even get blankets and pillows if you want or need them.  I would love to have one of those chairs at home!

I have two more sessions to go; I cannot believe that I am this far all ready.  This all started the end of May (although, I started feeling sick in January), and it will soon be over – almost.  By the end of November or the beginning of December, I should have my last chemo session over.  Of course, it will take some time to get over it all and get it out of my system, but that is normal.  I have been told that takes at least 6 months to a year or more.  Therefore, I am still looking at some further recovery time and being off work (which truthfully is not big deal), but I am going to school which helps me keep busy. 

I am staying positive and doing my best to keep busy.  All for now, so remember to LIVE, LOVE, LAUGH. LEARN, AND LISTEN!!!!


Thursday, October 6, 2011

EDU-652 -- October 6, 2011

This week, we are learning about JING.COM and  blogs.  I have had my blog since February for another class.  So, I have been keeping it up about every two weeks or so on both the educational and medical (health) sides of my life.  I enjoy writing, so this is just another way of expressing myself.  

I also used JING for the first time this week.  JING is a computer software program used to capture pictures, screenshots, etc.  JING can be used for business and personal reasons.  (Dang, I don't know why but I kept on trying to put JINX instead of JING!! Where is my mind? My chemo brain is alive and working well!)  :+_)  I hope I got them all spelled the right way!

The picture I captured for JING can be found at:

Keep writing!  Connie

PS -- The question was:  What is my favorite Chinese food?  This picture was in my local newspaper a month or so ago.