Monday, May 30, 2011

Hospital Stay…

I am going in for surgery soon on some lady parts (what are the odds that it would turn out to be the only one left in there) that are causing problems with my delicate tummy area. Next Monday is my initial appointment with the doctor and the pre-surgery appointment, so I am sure the surgery will be sometime that same week. I will be in the hospital they tell me a week give or take a day or so... In addition, off work for at least two months and off classes at AU for a least a month until I feel like going back to my homework schedule. I hate pain and being unable to take care of myself, so wish me patience and bravery!


So, wish me luck! I hate to think the "C" word, but with my history, I must at least let it enter my mind. As you can well tell, it sticks in the mind once it is there and it is hard not to worry!


Send your prayers and just think good thoughts for me. Live, laugh, learn, and love always!


Sunday, May 22, 2011

EDU-651 Collaboration and Learning in a Virtual Environment

Wow, I never knew that there were so many ways, websites and programs that can be used to learn from the Internet. I was totally awed and confused at the lists that I examined in my first and second week of this class. The first week, I learned that out of the TOP 100 Learning TOOLs that I have used (or are acquainted with) ONLY 15 of them (Skype, Facebook, Blogger, Google Search, Gmail, Google Earth, Desktop Office Suite, PowerPoint, Word Processing Software, Blackboard, iGoogle, Google Chrome, Outlook E-Mail, Android Phones and Apps, and Blogging tools). WOW, I have so much to learn!

The second week of this class, I learned about blogging, twitter, and wikis. The first two items, I have had some experience with in order to stay in contact with friends, family, etc. The one that TRULY confuses me (from head to toe) the most is the "WIKI" part of this assignment. I am still trying to figure it out by doing some research and thinking at/away from my computer screen. So, wish me luck!

Other than that, life has been the same … just one day at a time, school, homework, family and work. It is May already, June and another birthday are just around the corner. Where does time go?

Remember to live, do not simply exist!

Love for all it is worth!

Moreover, laugh until you cry!

Always, Connie