Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Update... March all ready! Wow... where does time go?

Well, I finished my first Master's degree class!  I enjoyed it a great deal, especially the slide presentation work.  Who knew that I could be so creative!  Now, I am beginning my second class,Technology for Teaching and Learning. I feel somewhat behind at the moment since I have never actually taught previously in a classroom, although I am told that this is not unusual.  (I think that sentence is bad English, shame on me!)

Other than that, my mom was hospitalized recently with double pneumonia.  I was in a panic, but she is doing better now and at home resting.  I am off work this week in order to help my parents out, and get caught up on all that I delayed last week.  I am doing all right on that deal, but boy, am I bushed!  Life goes on...

Remember, live, laugh and love always -- learn too.   Connie V.

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