Sunday, May 31, 2015

My move ... May/June 2015

Sleeping in my new apartment for the first time tonight. Thanks to Tim Wolfe, Danielle Bell, Ben, Danielle Mausteller and Nate Mausteller for moving the rest of my stuff today. I especially want to thank Tim for shouldering most of the work! I love you all thanks... SO SO SO much!
Connie Valentine's photo.

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Second night in new apartment... so far, so good. I got some curtains up along with some blinds so I don't feel like I am on display for the neighbors. Thanks to Jennifer Wolfe Persun for helping with that.... she welded the drill and so forth. For her trouble, I made my first meal here with a visitor... creamy potato soup with ham. It was yummy... then a trip to Wal-Mart and home for a bath and bed!
 — tired.
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The apartment is shaping up! More and more empty boxes... two more days and back to work!
Connie Valentine's photo.Connie Valentine's photo.Connie Valentine's photo.Connie Valentine's photo.

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My fourth day/night in my new apartment had some interesting challenges. My first was an 'in and out' surgery for a cyst that acted up from moving and lifting. I am now off work -- no lifting -- except minor stuff until at least Wednesday. So, my wound is packed and will be unpacked tomorrow at the doctor's office. That kind of packing I DID NOT expect. I expected to be off work for maybe a day, but not the entire surgery deal... not my plan for my week off from work. After that... and a nap... I had supper at the Fence in Lewisburg with my parents and daughter, Jennifer Wolfe Persun. Now, I am at home and relaxing... as ordered by the doctor and my Mom
 — sore.

Day/Night 5 in new place: My Drs. appt. went all right. I got unpacked and re-bandaged, sent home with a script for pain meds (wow... took one when I got home and it put me to sleep for about four hours), then I got up ... did a few minor chores (per Drs. orders), ate potato soup for supper, took shower (could use more water pressure), now I am sitting here writing this and drinking a cup of Passion Fruit tea.
A few good things about new apartment:
1. Things in freezer are frozen, things in refrigerator are NOT.
2. More room.
3. Nice view... so far, good neighbors (miss some that I left behind though).
4. Got more kitchen light than other place... MUCH more.
5. Stove works great by not burning or under cooking food... a huge plus!
So the moving/sorting and such of this move will be a slow chore with not being able to do much, but it will get done. I plan on finishing up at the other apartment this weekend, Monday at the latest. As long as I have some help, that won't be a problem... still no lifting. Then it is back to work on Wednesday...
Until then... good night everyone!
— tired.

Just now · 
WELL, it is Saturday... I have been here 7 days including today. Yesterday was a fairly quiet day/night. I did a few odds and ends around the apartment... drs. orders and my Mom's too... hung a clock in the kitchen... mostly tinkered around with small stuff... folded and put away laundry etc. I also had my first visitor. It was nice to see him, thanks Carl Jones for stoppin' in on your way home.
Today, with the help of my daughter/Jen and her husband/Alec I want to get things finished in Danville. I will wait to see if they can make it later, if not I might have to make the trip myself and do what I can until I can get some help lifting things down to car and into new apartment. So wish me luck....
 — for a partner in crime.

PS -- to see pics... click on picture square and follow the link!
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