Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Update: September 24, 2014 -- HAPPY FALL!

Hi! Everyone,

Well, it is one of my favorite times of year: Fall! I love the colors and the cooler weather. A bit of an update on my life:

  • Almost two years at my job! Still loving it... most times!
  • Grandson, Rickey doing well... a little over three months old and OMG.. what a cutie.
  • Granddaughter doing well in college, working hard and DAMN ... I never see her! Call me! Send me a IM.. e-mail or a carrier pigeon note! :+_)
  • Daughter and new hubby married almost a year... Congratulations you two... keep up the good work!
  • Son doing well... working hard, a wonderful dad and a loving man... so so so proud of him!
  • Giving an old love... a new try! Wish me/us luck!
  • Parents still doing well for their age... I worry about them a lot, but try to stay positive when it comes to them.. after all, they are 80+
  • Going on a cleaning and sorting vacation as I call it in October for a week of 16th - 23rd. Give me strength to clean out all the x-tra S*** that I have accumulated over the years. 
  • Health-wise doing well... far as I know I am having no problems, other than a few aches and pains here and there.
Sites to find me at: 

Well, that is my update for now... join any of my sites. I will reply! 
