Friday, July 26, 2013

July 26, 2013 Update...

         I was sitting here editing my blogs and decided that I should do another update before turning it into the publishers. As a part of that blogging experience, I am adding to my original blog as well. 
         As a writer, I could edit this book until the end of time. I am always finding things to add or change.  However, it is time to draw the line and get this task finished.
         As you can see by the picture on this page (just taken minutes ago), my hair has definitely grown back. I hate taking my own picture with my phone, but sadly, the cats cannot work it. Therefore, I either take it or have none at all. 
Sidetracked again… My hair is red (with a little help) curlier than ever, along with being as thick as it used to be… I would have preferred straight, but oh well… at least, I am not bald anymore.
            Work is going well! I have been there almost nine months now. I still like my job a great deal. I have learned a great deal, lessened my mistakes, and have met many nice people. I am still not great at the memory thing, but I am trying.  I still make mistakes, but less and less each time. I do think that most of that problem is due to my becoming too tired at times. I need to get my break on time, I think it is a definite help. Although, everyone I work with does a great job of keeping this in mind. I thank them!
As for the school/college online deal, well, that did not work out. I have all the financing that I could get, which means that I am in debt up to your eyeballs! K   I tried various places, but could not afford to pay it out of pocket. However, I am still writing and still working on this blog as well as a few other things. I am also thinking of bringing back the other story that I was writing with my co-author. However, his input would only be minor at this point. He is no longer interested in that aspect (romantic) of writing.
           The photo
to the left is from the front cover of the book I am talking about revisiting.  My co-author did do the graphics for this picture. He did a great job using my ideas to just the right amount of detail. If all goes well, look for this book in the future. Wish me luck!

            Health wise, I am doing fine. I have my check-up with my family doctor and all is well. I also lost some pounds, which TO ME is the best part of feeling better.  Therefore, as far as I know, the chemotherapy was a success and my future can only look brighter!

 [1] Graphic was done by Jon R. W. Tomas (Don’s writing alias) from our co-authored book series, “Softened Moon’s Glow