Sunday, November 4, 2012

Health Update: November 4, 2012

Update: October 28th, 2012… Back to work at last!

Two weeks ago, I went back to work! After being off on medical leave for over a year and half, it was quite a change in my daily routine. I started a brand-new job, which so far I love doing.
To be honest, I had not been looking forward to returning to the job that I had before going on medical leave. Those reasons are vast and just not important anymore. This new job happened just the day before I was to return to my previous job. I felt that it was meant to be (fate or destiny I suppose), so when the job was offered to me, I accepted the position immediately.
I realized in going back to work these past few weeks just how nice it was to get out in the world again and talk to people. Another great feeling is to be tired because of actually working and not just from sitting around or being bored. When I get home, I am so drained, in not only body but also mind and spirit, which I might add is a nice feeling. However, like everyone else who works, other things need to be done and I must find the energy to do those things. I try to get things done, but that too will take time. I need to readjust my body, not to mention my mind, to the new schedule of working again.
The first week was hard, the second a wee-bit less so. I am still tired, very achy and exhausted at the end of the day. However, I feel like I am accomplishing something though, which is a good thing. I am getting my life back and slowly (too slowly if I am honest) getting my strength and stamina back.
This is a huge step to getting the “me” back that I was prior to becoming ill. It is a hard road, but I have come so far now that the final miles will become easier each day. I can start again getting back to the “redhead” that I was before surgery and chemotherapy took my energy and hair away. I am going to enjoy life, stay positive and remember that each day that I have is a gift and not take it for granted ever again!
In a few months, I am planning to return to school. I want to earn a degree in Journalism. I am interested in the writing part of teaching, and with this degree, I should be able to find something in which I can do the thing that I love to do best, writing! So wish me luck!

Live, love, laugh, listen and learn!
Hugs and kisses, Connie