Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Health Update: November 1, 2011

WOW, can you believe that it is November already! We had our first snow last week!  It did not last long, but it was very pretty while it lasted. Anyway, It is time for my next chemotherapy session this week.  This will be my fifth one, which means, only one more to go.  So far, I have been lucky with side effects (or lack of them at times), so I am hoping it will last throughout the next month or so.  I know that it will take some time to get over all the chemotherapy and drugs that they are pushing on me to get well, but that is only a part of my recovery. The other part of my recovery happens in my head (mind), heart and soul.  Cancer is such a scary disease, and I know each day, just how lucky I am to have such great doctors, family, and friends.  I see so many who are not so lucky and I wish I could pass on to them my belief, my ability to stay strong and my willingness to go with the flow and laugh whenever and wherever I can… even when, it hurts!

When I first started with this cancer in June, just before my surgery, I was afraid, scared beyond understanding as to why this was happening to me again.  I admit to having a “pity me” party of two, but then it dawned on me, “Hey, wake up girl! Not all is lost!”  Anyway, I wondered what I did to deserve this again, but then, I realized that having cancer is not “the end” of my life; it is the beginning of me being a better, stronger, and more-positive person.  To be honest, I needed a boot (virtual or otherwise) in the behind, I was feeling left behind by life.  Oh, I was lucky in many ways, but I did not realize just how much.  Now, I do know! I guess this time it was cancer that had to supply the “kick” in my ass, but did not really “kick my ass”, if you know what I mean.
On the good side, I got my new glasses today.  I need some time to get used to them, still cannot wear them at the computer, but I am hoping that will change in time.  After all, I just got them an hour ago!  Wish me luck!
All for now, so remember to LIVE, LOVE, LAUGH. LEARN, AND LISTEN!!!!